Our journey towards a new home have slowly begun. And I find it so sweet to see J quite excited by a little 20 sq. m. condo unit. He compares our home with other condo units being built and pre-sold. He has not stopped researching websites that feature decorating small spaces. I, on the other hand, barely think about it given that it is still 12 months away. I'm more worried about the payment and how to manage the house in case we have a third member of our family.
But I enjoy seeing J like that. I enjoy his passion for our new home. There are days when it is so cute.
About a couple of weeks back, while I was playing FB games, J went in the room carrying a newspaper. He asked me if I wanted to go on a date. Then showed me the newspaper. Home Depot was 70% off. He said we can go to that UP Thai restaurant that I liked. I was laughing a bit. I told him I would take his offer because he rarely asks me out on a date. It does not matter that it will be in a furniture store. I kidded that I was just humoring him because he was so excited. It was mostly true but the entire truth was I could not help but feel happy to be with a man who is really excited about his home. :)
photo from trendir.com
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